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Cheek EnhanceMent

What is Cheek filler? 

Cheek filler is a treatment that enables you to enhance your cheeks by creating volume, lift and definition. Parts or all of the cheek can be treated using filler but your anatomy and desired results will determine the placement and amount of filler. All of which will be discussed with you in detail at your appointment. 


Cheek filler is great for mid face restoration. As a result of natural ageing or weightless the apples of your cheeks will be the first telltale and so using filler to restore this volume will reinstate a youthful glow. When your cheeks start to loose volume you may start to notice the first signs of the Jowl. Your cheeks help to hold up this area and so adding volume here will also assist in reducing jowl formation. Of course, cheek filler isn't always used just to restore youth it can be used for those who simply want to more cheek, cheekbone and to SNATCH!


As we age the subcutaneous fat layer that sits between the muscles and our skin depletes meaning this area can become looser with lines and wrinkles becoming more pronounced. Lifestyle factors can also have an impact on the volume loss in this area.


Dermal filler s hyaluronic acid (HA) which is naturally in our bodies already with large amounts found in our skin and connective tissues. HA keeps skin hydrated and plump ad can be injected to restore or add more volume and hydration. 



What are the side effects? 

Bruising and swelling are a completely normal part of any filler treatment. You can experience just one or both of these side effects. 


To minimise we advise you to take an antihistamine, drink lots of water and apply a cold compress to the area.   


Side effects can last from 3 days to 1 week. However, if you become concerned about any of your your side effects Jasmine is contactable 24/7 to advise you.   



How long do fillers last? 

It will usually last between 6-12 months although each person is different with some people reporting it lasting 12months plus. Life style factors can play a part in the longevity of your filler such as subbed use, smoking, excercise, metabolism. Every body is different and therefore your retention will depend on you. 

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